ust-bputila/b is a rock stone rich girl ?or? zakolodovannaya rock ?, which at putilschine living legend, in smt. bputila/b is a museum-bestate/b ukrainian literary figure yuri fedkovych. the house was built in the early xviii century., ...
mai mult, zvonurile care circulă, precum că viitura care a lovit judeţul suceava a fost amplificată de distrugerea barajelor seletin sau putila, sunt nefondate, deoarece în aceste localităţi nu există baraje, potrivit spuselor lui ...
The refugees came from Sipote, Vijnita, Seletin, Putila. The locals even killed 50 Russian retreating soldirers,- this happened only in Rastoacea. From them they managed to get the necessary arms to kill the Jews. ...